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Planning Board Minutes 06/09/05
Planning Board

Minutes of June 9, 2005

Present: William Meegan, Edward Kenyon, Mitchell Posin, John Flender, and Richard Osnoss.
Absent: Janet Weidner, Russell Walton, and Deborah Cini.

The meeting was opened at 7:30p.m. by William Meegan.

The warrant articles were discussed. The board voted to support all articles but article 2. Article 2 states:” To see if the town will vote to limit the units in the Plan for Middle Line Road to rental units.” The board voted unanimously against article 2.

The Minutes of May 23, 2005 were tabled.
The Bill from the Vineyard Gazette was tabled.
The bylaw submitted by Jim Feiner was tabled.

Meeting adjourned.

These minutes respectfully submitted by Deborah Cini.